About Us » Principal's Message

Principal's Message

Dear Superior Families,
Welcome to the start of the 2023-24 school year! I hope this letter finds you and your family refreshed, excited, and ready to embark on a journey of learning and growth. As we begin this new chapter together, we want to share our theme for the year, which captures our commitment to your child's education: "Empowering Minds, Igniting Potential”
At Superior, we believe that every student is unique and possesses untapped potential. Our theme reflects our dedication to empower and inspire students by embracing differentiation in our classrooms. Differentiation is the practice of tailoring instruction to meet the diverse needs, learning styles, and interests of every student. By providing personalized learning experiences, we strive to ignite a love for learning and help each child reach their full potential.
Throughout the year, our dedicated teachers will implement differentiated instructional strategies, creating inclusive environments where all students can thrive. We will foster a sense of belonging, celebrate individual strengths, and provide targeted support to ensure that every student receives the education they deserve. Our goal is to create a learning community where your child's unique path leads to collective success.
We value the partnership between our school and our families, as it plays a vital role in your child's education. We encourage you to actively engage with us throughout the year, attend parent-teacher conferences, join school events, and communicate with your child's teachers. Together, we can create a supportive and enriching learning environment that fosters your child's success.
I look forward to seeing you at our upcoming back-to-school events, where you will have the opportunity to meet our dedicated staff, learn more about our plans for the year, and ask any questions you may have. We are excited to partner with you in nurturing your child's growth, and we believe that by working together, we can make this year a remarkable one Once again, welcome to Superior! Let's embrace the theme of "Empowering Minds, Igniting Potential" and create a year filled with exploration, growth, and collective success.
Warmest regards,
Alejandra Ayala