Free Tutoring Options from LAUSD

Home Based Tutoring
Starting September 18th, parents can enroll eligible students for after school at home virtual tutoring for help with literacy and math, sign up through the Parent Portal.
On Demand Tutoring
All K-5 students can get free, 1-to-1 homework help, writing support, and live enrichment sessions from​​​​​​​. The service is available 24 hours a day 7 days a week in all academic subjects. Students can log in through Schoology to connect with a friendly, expert tutor quickly day or night. Tutors are available in multiple languages such as English, Spanish, Korean, Mandarin, and French 
High Dose Tutoring 
Both virtual and in-person tutoring for small cohorts of students to build upon teaching that occurs during the day. Schools will reach out to families of students who qualify for services.
For more information go to